Recent content by Sutton

  1. S


    Hey there, sorry if this is quite a stupid question - I'm still pretty new to PC building. I came across the option for a TV card - and particularly the 'HAUPPAUGE WinTV-NOVA-HD-S2' interested me. I would love the ability to watch TV on my PC - it is always occupied by others and never thought...
  2. S

    PCSPECIALIST First Build for gaming, Please Advise :)

    Hey there, I'm thinking of buying my first PC for gaming - I traditionally have had a laptop. I would like to run all current games on max settings if possible - SWTOR/Crysis/Assassins Creed etc. and for it to be future proofed. I'm tired of having to play games such as left 4 dead 2 on low :)...
  3. S

    PCSPECIALIST Good Monitor?

    I've noticed people posting their builds without a monitor included. I don't have one currently, so would be looking for one for gaming, what would you recommend? I don't know very much about monitors (used to having laptops), so any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
  4. S

    PCSPECIALIST Gaming PC - just over £1000 budget?

    Hey, basically I'm a complete newbie in terms of building a PC. I've had a laptop that has done me well for just over a year, yet I'm looking to get a PC in the near future mainly for gaming. I'd like to be able to play games on near enough max settings so looking for a top end...