Recent content by shanespatch

  1. S

    PCSPECIALIST The wait begins

    Ordered this spec for hd editing using adobe. What do you think? I was a bit unsure on which gaphics card to use but in the end picked the one below. Never built my own pc before so pretty excited :) Case COOLERMASTER HAF 922 MID TOWER GAMING CASE Processor (CPU) Intel® Core™i7-2600k Quad Core...
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    PCSPECIALIST Is this spec any good for video editing and using 3dmax? Need help on graphics card

    Hi all I'm looking to purchase this spec for computer editing in a few weeks, namely using adobe premier pro, after effects, photo shop (all cs5) and 3d max, all as a hobby. I have about £1,500 to spend max. I have read a lot about the graphics cards which I do not know much about and...