That good to know! appreciate the input. I'll leave my build as is :)
Sounds like your new pc is a HUGE upgrade from the previous, No doubt the 6 years wait will be well worth the wait and a totally new experience
Mouth watering build!
I cant see any of your parts listed as out of stock on PCS so not sure why it'll take any longer than others. I'm sure it'll go into building soon. Keep us posted!
I'm on WD 11, but I've noticed one of the case fans I selected is now out of stock, so might remove it from...
From what I can gather it looks to be around 25 WD.
Also checked PCS' average WD's to dispatch desktop PC's and its currently sitting at 27 days, and the average seems to be going down each day so looks like they are catching up on order slowly which is a positive. I'm sitting at 7 WD and...