Recent content by mooshka

  1. M

    PCSPECIALIST Help with an RMA?

    Thank you very much! Your help is very much appreciated. I'll keep you posted after i give them a ring tomorrow morning. Thanks again.
  2. M

    PCSPECIALIST Help with an RMA?

    Hi thanks for your reply! Yes it came with a GPU. I know for sure because one, they sent me an email when it was due for arrival making sure i plugged my display port cable into the GPU and not the internal graphics card and two, ive just checked my invoice and its on there (NVIDIA geforce...
  3. M

    PCSPECIALIST Help with an RMA?

    Hi there! I was wondering if anyone was able to offer some advice. I recently returned a PC due to a few issues, the main one being that windows 11 won't run the desired games. (The other niggly fault was when then PC arrived the RAM wasnt working properly, it wasnt properly secured/fixed in...