I've an old Cosmos laptop, everything's pretty standard.
I've manage to knock the power lead pretty hard whilst it was plugged in. It looks like the socket has cracked slightly. Since then the power lead will fall out of place quite easily and stop charging. It also seems to be a lot hotter...
I received my laptop yesterday. I have my own copy of windows 7 so requested no OS. The laptop comes with a test version of windows 10 pre-installed, no problem I'll just install windows 7 over it. However, every time I try to run the windows 7 installation it hangs at the "starting windows"...
This has only just started happening recently, the laptop doesnt feel hot (and using HWmonitor it never seems to go much above 60) but the fan goes at full speed. This only seems to happen when I have it plugged into the mains, if I remove the plug and run it off the battery the fan slows down...
Ideally i'm looking to spend around £700 on a gaming laptop. So the optimus would be the better option, would the better processor on the cosmos be very noticeable?
Chassis & Display Optimus Series: 15.6" Matte Full HD IPS LED Widescreen (1920x1080)
Processor (CPU) Intel® Core™ i5 Dual Core...
I got my current laptop about a year ago, it runs fine for what I use it for at the moment but I'm wondering how I can improve it.
Chassis & Display Cosmos Series: 15.6" Matte Full HD IPS LED Widescreen (1920x1080)
Processor (CPU) Intel® Core™i7 Quad Core Mobile Processor i7-4710MQ (2.50GHz)...
I went with the default soundcard initially, but I'm wanting to have multiple sound outputs for my laptop (music to speakers, other stuff to headphones). For this I'm guessing ill need a new soundcard with multiple output ports. Currently I can play music from the built-in laptop speakers and...
Im using windows 7, on a Cosmos II laptop. The speakers are BIG JAMBOX by jawbone. They pair fine with my laptop, but dont show in the playback menu so I cannot select them as the default device.
According to http://forums.jawbone.com/t5/BIG-JAMBOX/Pairing-Jambox-to-Windows-7/td-p/61560/page/2 I...