I see, so some years down the line I could look to replace both the GPU and PSU with relative ease if I was after some improvements?
Thank you again for all your help it is so helpful. When you say bench sorry, what do you mean by that? Then wipe the entire system and install what I want?
Thank you, that is good to know, with a GPU upgrade in the future could I change to an Nvidia or would I need to change other parts as well?
I am seriously considering going ahead with the spec you made, is there anything you would suggest doing on setting up/when first loading up?
Thank you for your help again it is really appreciated, that does make a lot of sense. So with this then I could expect to run the large majority of games at a good level of FPS without performance drop? With the monitor I have I am hoping to be able to enjoy the quality of it without worrying...
Thanks for your help it is really appreciated, what were the low end choices I made just so I know for future reference? Just trying to wrap my head around it all. Like what sort of performance could I expect from the above?
Looking to game on mostly high resolution/FPS and also have sustainability for the future in terms of not upgrading for another 5-10 years. I am a beginner at this kind of thing so any help would be greatly appreciated or tweaks if I have over compensated or am missing something.