Recent content by meegwel

  1. M

    PCSPECIALIST Advice on Gaming PC & Monitor

    Just thought I'd share what I had ordered based on the helpful advice provided here, thanks guys. I went for the Logitech Z906 speakers in the end, the Razer was tempting but I just thought true 5.1 would be that bit better overall. For the monitor I have chosen the Samsung G7 S28, I'm still...
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    PCSPECIALIST Advice on Gaming PC & Monitor

    Gaming will definitely be the prime purpose, I guess I will probably watch some movies etc. but nothing music related. In terms of budget, it's not that I have an unlimited budget I just don't have much of an idea of what would be sensible, I think last time I purchased some PC speakers the...
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    PCSPECIALIST Advice on Gaming PC & Monitor

    Thank you, most appreciated... @Steveyg you're correct, this was your suggested build from a recent post which seemed to fit my requirements so thank you for putting it together :) I think I will swap the RAM for 2x16 if it makes no difference for gaming performance, just to offer more future...
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    PCSPECIALIST Advice on Gaming PC & Monitor

    Hi all, I'm looking to get a new gaming PC and monitor and would appreciate any advice on what would be most suitable as I've been away from gaming for some time. I don't really have a set budget but I am looking for something reasonably high end (capable of 4k gaming) and from some of my...