Recent content by Littletruck

  1. Littletruck

    PCSPECIALIST Gaming computer

    hi guys, using my dads account to check this spec as i'm getting a gaming computer for christmas, however it's coming to over £1200 and really I need to be around £900 Games that I am looking to play are fallout 4, doom, stuff like that on a high setting plus I like to dabble with a little bit...
  2. Littletruck

    PCSPECIALIST From AutoCAD to Photoshop

    Hi Guys just wondering if you could cast your eyes over this one for me, I bought a laptop a couple of years ago from here & it has served me well but now I'm starting to use Revit I thought I may need to upgrade. Case STYLISH PIANO BLACK ENIGMA CASE + 2 FRONT USB Processor (CPU) Intel® Core™i7...
  3. Littletruck

    PCSPECIALIST AutoCad 2009 & PS CS4

    I am getting very confused building a laptop to run these programmes, any help would be much appreciated. I have had loads of problems in the past with a certain high street PC store telling me that my current laptop (Toshiba P300-190) would run AutoCad & Photoshop CS4 side byside with no...