Recent content by Ksisa

  1. K

    PCSPECIALIST A widespread problem with Intel Core 13th Gen HX and RTX 40 series causes sporadic screen freezes.

    Have you checked event viewer? Is it this kind of error? Because I've been getting that too despite reinstalling the graphics drivers almost a dozen times.
  2. K

    PCSPECIALIST Trackpad drivers missing

    I swapped the SSD and did a fresh install of windows, ran all of the windows updates, installed all of the drivers reccomended in the manual, then used the intel driver tool to upgrade some of them.
  3. K

    PCSPECIALIST Trackpad drivers missing

    This you mean? Yeah, I already had a windows key I could transfer over and I swapped the SSD.
  4. K

    PCSPECIALIST Trackpad drivers missing

    These mouse drivers are from my other mouse. I tried deleting them all and letting Windows reinstall them, it didn't find the trackpad driver it seems.
  5. K

    PCSPECIALIST Trackpad drivers missing

    Hello, I've just gotten the Elimina Pro laptop and during the set-up process (I opted to do it myself) the trackpad driver was either not installed or missing. I installed all of the drivers from PCSpecialist and updated all of the Intel and Nvidia drivers, but my trackpad simply doesn't work...