Recent content by johnboy412000

  1. J

    PCSPECIALIST Windows 11

    Sounds like a lot of polarva and I'll probably end up buying a new computer in the end. Got 2 years anyway.
  2. J

    PCSPECIALIST Windows 11

    Very true.
  3. J

    PCSPECIALIST Windows 11

    So therefore I may have to upgrade the Motherboard amongst other things. Working on that one. Buying a new computer isn't that easy going by the prices for a good one that will play games like AC Valhalla.
  4. J

    PCSPECIALIST Windows 11

    Yeah by then it'll be 7 years old and probably like me sluggish lol.
  5. J

    PCSPECIALIST Windows 11

    Yeah mines hit and miss. I have both Facial and finger print as well as password.
  6. J

    PCSPECIALIST Windows 11

    I've got a PCSpecialist agent looking in to it for me and hopefully be able to tell me what needs doing to be able to run win 11.
  7. J

    PCSPECIALIST Windows 11

    According to the ASUS website my Motherboard is compatible with Windows 11.
  8. J

    PCSPECIALIST Windows 11

    In which case mines a 7th Generation. Needs to be at least an 8th Generation. Working on that idea. I got 2 years to sort it.
  9. J

    PCSPECIALIST Windows 11

    Yeah it is but there's nothing like early preparations. I'm waiting to see how my brothers upgrades go and whether he manages to get windows 11 before I embark on that same journey.
  10. J

    PCSPECIALIST Windows 11

    Yeah but Windows 10 won't be supported after the Autumn of 2025 and therefore a security risk. That's what scares me the most. I don't want my bank details etc wide open like they would be without security.
  11. J

    PCSPECIALIST Windows 11

    So what's an 8th Generation CPU? I'm trying to find out if my motherboard will support any of these. Not sure how to find that info out. Have read the handbook that came with the computer but its all jargon I can't make head nor tail of. It maybe that I need another Motherboard fitting.
  12. J

    PCSPECIALIST Windows 11

    Yeah that was the worry really that Windows 10 won't be supported after the Autumn of 2025. Its a pain why they have to bring another version of windows out. I suppose for now soldier on with win 10 and worry about win 11 when that date arrives. Thanks for your help.
  13. J

    PCSPECIALIST Windows 11

    Ok thanks for the info.
  14. J

    PCSPECIALIST Windows 11

    So to make it windows 11 compatible what would need doing ?
  15. J

    PCSPECIALIST Windows 11

    Mine has a TPM 2.0 and its running.