Recent content by harripaul

  1. H

    PCSPECIALIST Gaming PC and monitor for 13 year old for £1500

    Thanks again. I presume he will advance to other titles in due course so maybe I should stick to the 2nd spec you posted so it won’t struggle?
  2. H

    PCSPECIALIST Gaming PC and monitor for 13 year old for £1500

    Thanks again for both spec links and for posting the link to the monitor. Harripaul.
  3. H

    PCSPECIALIST Gaming PC and monitor for 13 year old for £1500

    Many thanks Mr Wilson, Very quick and much appreciated. As a newbie the only question I have is I have seen some chat about the 3060 card and a 1440 monitor but I take it that would then blow his budget? Thanks Harripaul
  4. H

    PCSPECIALIST Gaming PC and monitor for 13 year old for £1500

    Dear experts. My 13 year old son has saved £1500 over 2 years and would like to buy his first gaming pc AND monitor. He only plays Minecraft, Fortnite and Roblox at the moment. Could anyone help with a link to suggested spec for a clueless father please! Regards Clueless Dad