gaming main use, budget is no more than £3000, more if a good monitor to suit the build is recommended this build is for my son that i was looking at earlier in the year he now has a job and as he spends nothing on drink cigs or anything but gaming his budget is whatever he earns currently...
yes idid buy one last year and now i am looking at a build for my 18 year old it is the same spec as my build just want to know if i should change anything as things move on and what was good for me a year ago may not be the best now DDR5 intel cpu etc
yup I have built enough systems over the last 30 yrs but I am wearing out now so the longer it lasts the better,,, if I am still playing 1st person shooters at 70 i will be well happy to build a new system lmao ps it might work if they provide zimmer frames in future games?
budget maxed but ave a 4k 60hz lg screen 43 inches and a AOC 32" curved 1440p screen and hope to add one more some time depending on use but games is primary role