Recent content by averagepcuser

  1. A

    PCSPECIALIST Random bluescreen, then boot issues, then won't boot?

    Called PCS again. Got the same nice operator I got the other day who helped me get to BIOS. He's gonna call DPD now and see whats going on.
  2. A

    PCSPECIALIST Random bluescreen, then boot issues, then won't boot?

    Might be a bit stupid of me. I'm not sure what to do really. Talked to DPD, I'll phone PCS. I'll keep updating
  3. A

    PCSPECIALIST Random bluescreen, then boot issues, then won't boot?

    And says I took it! It's not with me! Man.
  4. A

    PCSPECIALIST Random bluescreen, then boot issues, then won't boot?

    DPD Just came up, took my old SSD, DIDN'T HAND ME THE NEW ONE, And drove off. And It says its been delivered.
  5. A

    PCSPECIALIST Random bluescreen, then boot issues, then won't boot?

    New SSD will be here within the next 2 hours! Tech Support sent me an email with what to do when its here so yeah, I'll continue to update you guys.
  6. A

    PCSPECIALIST Random bluescreen, then boot issues, then won't boot?

    USB has got windows installed on it from the ISO tool. It's basically gonna sit there until tomorrow. Nothing else to do today.
  7. A

    PCSPECIALIST Random bluescreen, then boot issues, then won't boot?

    OK, the USB is here. I'm gonna install this: and then config it. Tomorrow i'll test it
  8. A

    PCSPECIALIST Random bluescreen, then boot issues, then won't boot?

    only take it out for 40 seconds is needed
  9. A

    PCSPECIALIST Random bluescreen, then boot issues, then won't boot?

    yes i did do that, check the thread btw if you haven't
  10. A

    PCSPECIALIST Random bluescreen, then boot issues, then won't boot?

    no. max power i need is actually 376v. and I can't access the PC only bios it doesnt boot as far as even entering the pin. however, tomorrow a new SSD is arriving PCS shipped me. i'm getting an 8gb USB to download microsoft creation tool and then when the SSD comes slot it in and etc.
  11. A

    PCSPECIALIST Random bluescreen, then boot issues, then won't boot?

    USB Arriving today. Will get Windows Creation Tool or whats it called and use it tomorrow. Will keep you posted
  12. A

    PCSPECIALIST Random bluescreen, then boot issues, then won't boot?

    You can have that pint then, they're sending me a new one to be here friday. SSD's dead lol
  13. A

    PCSPECIALIST Random bluescreen, then boot issues, then won't boot?

    Tech support so far has helped me get to the BIOS settings but we're having a bit of a hard time with boot priorities ETC. Will update you guys
  14. A

    PCSPECIALIST Random bluescreen, then boot issues, then won't boot?

    A Alright, I'll try that.
  15. A

    PCSPECIALIST Random bluescreen, then boot issues, then won't boot?

    Update: I removed and Reattached the SSD and now it says Start PXE over IPv4 again. I'm still unsure what to do though.