Recent content by Aki2403

  1. A

    PCSPECIALIST Stripping current PC for Graphics and Hard Drives

    That's amazing. Thank you for taking the time to respond and answer my questions.
  2. A

    PCSPECIALIST Stripping current PC for Graphics and Hard Drives

    My budget is supposed to be a hard £1,000, I'm stretching it at the 1,044 I had. Is the 4060 really not up to the job? I'm not playing many modern games, and don't need to be playing them at 4k - the upgrade on monitors is mainly for the consoles I'd have hooked up to the capture card. That...
  3. A

    PCSPECIALIST Stripping current PC for Graphics and Hard Drives

    I'm currently looking at a new PC as my old i7 is dying, I've been recommended Ryzen over a Core for gaming. Things I cannot do without - 3 front (pref. top) USB ports & front audio I intend to add/use (from my old PC) Gigabyte NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 (1x8pin power connector) 2.5" SSD 2x 3.5"...