Recent content by Ahlikx

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    PCSPECIALIST PC wont start properly??

    I've tried turning the PSU power button off but it doesn't do anything once I flick it back on, surely it must only be the power button because I've used the headphone jack recently and that's completely fine, I'll give PCS a call and see where it goes from there
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    PCSPECIALIST PC wont start properly??

    so the way I did it today (at least how I remember it) was that I unplugged it from the wall then plugged it into the socket next to it that was already on and it just came to life on its own
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    PCSPECIALIST PC wont start properly??

    yeah, where its plugged into the wall
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    PCSPECIALIST PC wont start properly??

    I've managed to find a way via plugging it in to a different outlet. everyday I swap between two outlets and it manages to boot on its own
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    PCSPECIALIST PC wont start properly??

    I've taken a look at this cable but it seems to be in fine, I've got a graphics card support bracket in there so I'm not able to pull out that cable cos it's in the way, would it be anything connected to the power button itself?
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    PCSPECIALIST PC wont start properly??

    this is an update to a previous post I made until I figure out how to delete the old one. so my PC can power on and work fine but the actual power button will not function, I've managed to get it on via a mixed series of unplugging and re-plugging my pc. I have a thought that maybe I've knocked...
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    PCSPECIALIST PC wont start properly??

    I've had my PC for maybe 1 and a half months now and since yesterday I've had trouble turning it on before this problem it would boot up fine, it would beep (sometimes there'd be 3 shorter beeps beforehand) and would light up inside, right now the only light I can see is a small power symbol on...
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    PCSPECIALIST order missing monitor and power cable?

    okay cool so I phoned them and they said that yes the monitor will come separately due to DPD handling their deliveries by weight, and I've got a power cable coming from them on monday
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    PCSPECIALIST order missing monitor and power cable?

    yea I've got a bunch of other cables except for the power cable in the welcome box
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    PCSPECIALIST order missing monitor and power cable?

    I've sent them a message via their system, awaiting a reply now. is there any other way I can quickly get into contact with them?
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    PCSPECIALIST order missing monitor and power cable?

    I received my pc order today and with it I ordered an AOC monitor aswell, but upon opening the packaging it seems I'm missing the power cable and the monitor from my order. at first we mightve thought it was coming separately but because I'm missing the power cable aswell I don't think that's...